Display Popular Posts by Views / Clicks in WordPress

Cool code I found that allows you to filter and display a WP site’s posts by views or “clicks”. If also works for custom post types as well perfectly. Simply add the filter “post_type => YOUR_CUSTOM_POSTTYPE”  when you call the loop on the front end in the WP_QUERY function.

Click Here for the code


W3TC Plugin – Automatically Clear Cache On Updating Post

Here’s a link to a code you put in your functions.php page that allows you to automatically clear your cache upon updating or saving a post. No more need to remember to empty it with this handy line 🙂

Click Here to get The Code

Changing Directions

So I’ve decided to change directions with this blog as I’m now much busier than when I began and do not have much time to write full articles.

I’ll write a random article here or there but what I’ve decided is a much better method to help my web design & development madness.

I CONTINUALLY search the web for tips and articles myself whenever I run into a crunch and tend to always go back to the same damn stuff whenever I’m in a jam. So what I will do is simply have titles for what you will be looking for with a quick link along with an accompanying quick description blog post with the same link in there as well.

I.e. this will turn into a list of helpful web developer / website design links for the masses and also save me some sanity so I don’t have to keep typing in the same stuff into google to find what I need. Much more productive for you and I.

Stop in, find what you’re looking for, leave with a smile.

HTML5 Audio Player Plugin for Website – Old School Cassette – So Cool


Looking for a new updated way to play music on your website?

The developers at tympanus.net always manage to blow my mind with the web plugins they come up with. And alot of it for free!

One thing i’ve noticed as a trend in web design lately is a return of audio players thanks to jQuery and HTML5. This plugin is a very cool vintage way to play audio on your site.

And the best part? All those buttons actually work! Volume, Fast Forward, Rewind, and obviously Play and Stop. What I like the most is the “click” when you hit play and the spindles moving. Friggin’ brilliant what these guys accomplished!

“But what if my website has multiple pages? The audio will have to reload everytime!” True if you have the audio player embedded within your site but a simple workaround for this is to have a “Listen To Music” or “Audio On” call button that will open up the player in a separate window. BAZINGA!

The only issue you may have with this option is on the mobile/tablet version of your website. Since you don’t have the option of a mouse to move windows around the player will open in a new window but will usually not play the audio unless you’re actually on the page on your device. So in that instance I would recommend you deactivate the player on your mobile version of the website. Feel free to comment or email me if you need to know how to do this…

How you decide to implement it I’ll leave up to you but either way I love this player. I haven’t tested it in IE though so be sure to keep that in mind if you attempt to use this.

Click Here to View it in Action & Download